Local History, Obituaries and Genealogy Resources
Discover your past at The Hanover Library!
Our library is a great resource of local history including Hanover Post obituaries, local newspaper archives, Ancestry Library Edition, family records, Bentinck property records, census information, and cemetery burial lists to help you with genealogy research.
- Obituary index – an index to obituaries and memorials published in the Hanover Post (now called The Post) from 1897 to 1953
- Ancestry Library Edition available on library computers and library wifi
- Burial records – the library has a searchable record of graves and urns at Hanover Cemetery
- Collection of local history books
- Historical Map of The Village of Adamstown (now known as Town of Hanover)
- Grey and Bruce County Census records (1851-1901)
- Local church records
- Hanover Post Archive (on microfilm)
The Obituary Index allows you to search for names of people whose obituaries appeared in the Hanover Post from 1897 to the 1950s.
The index is available in the library, or online. You may find all the information you need in the index. Use the request form to ask for a copy of the original obituary from our archives. Charges will apply for this service. Please see our current fee schedule for more information.
It is the work of our library volunteers and staff including Bill Williams, Bill VanKeuren, Joan Reid, Joan Weiler, Josiane Hyatt, Theresa Seim, Lauren Butchart, Valli Arumugam, and others.
Recent obituaries may be found at YourLifeMoments or Mighton Funeral Home.
Fees for Research or Printing
- Prices for copying/printing, obituary copies, and research – see our Fee Schedule
- Charges for Obituary copies ordered online include research and postage for up to 5 entries.
Ancestry Library Edition

A fabulous resource for anyone doing genealogical or historical research. ALE offers 200+ billion images in 7,000 unique databases from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and other international collections. Records include census data, vital records, directories, photos and more with some information dating back to the early 13th century. For remote access use the library WiFi network Library2.4, available from the library parking lot.
Other Resources:
Home Children, 1869-1930- Library and Archives Canada
Passenger Lists, Library and Archives Canada
Digital Archive Ontario (formerly called Virtual Reference Library)
Ontario Ancestors (The Ontario Genealogical Society)
West Grey Library Births, Marriages and Deaths index