How to place holds on Koha

How to place holds using the online catalogue

It’s easy to request items or “place holds” online! There are 4 basic steps.

If you don’t have a username and password for your library account, or you’ve forgotten what it is, contact us! You can come by the library, call us at 519-364-1420, or e-mail us at

Once you have your username and password, visit the library’s website:

Step 1: Find Koha

On the left side of the page, you will see a blue square with the word “koha” on it. Click on the word “koha”. If you have a phone or small tablet, scroll down to find “koha” below the menu.

screen shot how to place holds first step

Step 2: Log in to your account

On the right hand side of the screen is a place for you to sign into your account. Enter your username and password and click log in.

Log in to your account screen shot how to place holds log in screen

Step 3: Find items

Now you can see what’s available and place holds on items you want to borrow. You can search by title, author, or subject.

Browse the quick links

If you want to see what’s new in our collection, click on Home and scroll down to the list of links.

screen shot how to place holds quick links screen

Use the search bar

You can also use the search bar to search for a specific item. We will search for “Summer Island” by Kristin Hannah.

screen shot how to place holds. simple search bar

If you want to learn more about the item, click on the title.

how to place holds screen shot results summer island

Step 4: Place the hold

Click on “Place hold” to put the item on hold. Your name will be added to the list of patrons waiting to borrow this item when it is available.

how to place holds page screen shot  detail page summer island

Click “Confirm hold.”

how to place holds. screen shot confirm hold screen.

You will now see the confirmation page.

how to place holds. screen shot summary screen.

You will receive an phone call or e-mail when the item is ready for you to pick up.

Changing your password

When signing into your account for the first time, be sure to change your password to something only you know, not something that will be easy for someone else to guess.

Scroll down your account page until you see the link “Change my password,” and click on that link.

Follow the prompts to change and confirm your password.

You are now ready to place holds!

how to place holds.screen shot change your password screen.

Ready to place your holds? Choose a selection below!

New fiction

New non-fiction

New DVDs

New large print
