Watch a Storytime With Stephanie on YouTube

Watch Storytime With Stephanie on YouTube

Join in online, anytime to watch a Storytime with Stephanie. All books presented are from our library, so check the library catalogue to place holds.

Watch most recent episode of storytime here:

Enjoy the full playlist of Storytime videos here:

Loved the book that was read? Place a hold on it from our library catalogue!

Go to the Library Catalogue

Family Trivia

March Break Activities. Links to Kid's page.

Kahoot Family Trivia

Friday March 18th | 1:00 pm

Join us on Kahoot to test your Disney knowledge! Register your family team by emailing All participants will be entered into a draw for our March Break basket, and the winning team will get a prize of their own.

Prenda Coding Club Launch!

March Break Activities. Links to Kid's page.

Prenda Coding Club Launch!

Wednesday March 16th

Come be our beta testers for this new coding program!

No coding knowledge is necessary. Spots are limited and must be reserved in advance. Email to register.

Online Presentation of Wild, Weird and Wacky Weather with David T. Chapman

Wild, Weird and Wacky Weather with David T. Chapman

Join in online, anytime for a virtual presentation of Wild, Weird and Wacky Weather. In a country that is so vast and surrounded by large oceans, it is no wonder we have some of the most interesting weather in the world. It offers such a variety all year round because of its terrain, temperature variations and location. Learn about Fallstreak Holes, Superior Mirages and discover how far south the Aurora Borealis can actually be seen. This presentation covers North America’s weather uniqueness, power and beauty all wrapped into one. The presentation link will be available until March 31st, 2022. We are excited to bring you this engaging, fact-filled presentation that you may enjoy again and again! Free on behalf of Hanover Public Library.

Click on the YouTube Video Link here:

About David T. Chapman

David started doing photography at the age of 16. He is self-taught in the art of photography and has been pursuing his career professionally since the age of eighteen. David learned at a very young age from his father to appreciate his environment in the surrounding countryside. David likes to seek out unusual examples of nature such as albino robins, ice crystal formations and frozen water droplets. To date he has found multi-petalled Ontario trilliums, the highest of which had 33 petals. David is also a professional speaker and enjoys entertaining and educating a good crowd. His main areas of expertise are Weather/Aurora Borealis, Local Interests and Ontario Scenery of Ontario, Birds and Wildlife. 

Online Presentation of Storm Chasing In Ontario with David T. Chapman

Storm Chasing in Ontario with David T. Chapman

Join in online, anytime for a virtual presentation of Storm Chasing in Ontario. Experience the entire life cycle of thunderstorms with this exciting and educational presentation. See how they form and develop into powerful lightning and wind storms. A very powerful presentation explaining the effects storms have in Ontario. The presentation link will be available until December 31st, 2021. We are excited to bring you this lively, fact-filled presentation that you may enjoy again and again! Free on behalf of Hanover Public Library.

Click on the YouTube Video Link here:

Zoom Kahoot

Email us at: for the Zoom Link!

Here are a few tips for folks who may not have played online trivia like this before.

This event will run using Zoom, as well as the Kahoot trivia platform. We recommend
having Zoom opened on a laptop or desktop computer if possible, although a mobile
device will work. Kahoot can then be opened on the same desktop device (in another
tab or window) or on another mobile device.

The questions will appear to you on the Zoom screen and you will then select and
submit your answers on Kahoot. Points are awarded for each question your family
answers correctly with additional points given depending on how quickly you answer-
the faster the better!

We ask that you please keep your microphone muted unless you have a question or
comment to share. Too much background noise makes it difficult for others to hear the

Please contact us at if you have any questions. We will also be
available in the Zoom meet found at the link below a few minutes before the event if
you need help getting started.

Most of all make sure to have fun!




TD Summer Reading Registration Open Now

TD Summer Reading Club. Reading fun for kids from Canada's public libraries. visit tdsummerreadingclub.[dot]ca

This summer the library will once again be taking part in the TD Summer Reading Program!

This program was created to help combat the ‘summer slide’. A regression in academic proficiency that can occur due to kids being out of school and away from any formal education over the summer months. It is a super fun way to keep kids motivated and engage your children or grandchildren in reading.

There are print materials available for pick up at the Library, as well as a website for children to access. These are reading log books, stickers and access codes. The materials help support fun, engaging learning throughout the summer with different challenges, goal setting, jokes, games, and access to free e-books with no holds or waiting.
Each week your child can check in, to update us on how their reading went that week. By checking in, they will be entered into prize draws and can add their name to our visual display of accomplishment in the library windows!



TD Summer Reading Club.

Story Walk in Hanover Heritage Square

Check out the TD Summer Reading StoryWalk™ at the Hanover Heritage Square with your family starting Monday July 19th!

Pick up the maps from the Library or view them here: 


This years StoryWalk™ Book:

Did you take part in it? Let us know what you thought of it: